How Visualization And The Law of Attraction Can Work For You

The Law of Attraction has been around forever. But it's recently become more mainstream due in no small measure to the movie "The Secret". The basic concept of the Law of Attraction is that things, events and results come into our lives through our thoughts. That's where results are born.

Good or bad, whatever dominant thought occupies our minds is generally what comes to pass in our lives. And since most of us shift between positive and negative thoughts, we tend to get mixed results. It's only when we make the realization that old conditioned habits of thoughts are controlling us, do we realize the subconscious cause of our results.

Thoughts Are Seeds Planted In The Mind

Next, we need to take total responsibility for our lives. Many of our most deep-seated thoughts (beliefs) were installed at a very early age by others -- most notably, parents or guardians, teachers, ministers, coaches and peers.  

It's likely that these people were acting in good faith -- at least for the most part and didn't create intentional harm. They just didn't understand the power of these installed thoughts and the lifelong negative impact some of these ideas have. They did the best with the limited knowledge they had. So it's not your fault that you fear failing, or that you tend to hold back because you were conditioned to believe that you'd never amount to much.

But only you can make the necessary changes. So you need to accept responsibility and free yourself from limited thinking. Just decide that you're going to take charge - that's the first step. Then use visualization to help you get there. It's a proven way to change the programming that has held you back, so you can go after whatever it is you want in life.

Be Specific

Get clear about something you'd most like to accomplish. Think about having, being or doing that which you envision. Thoughts are energy formations. So every time you think about what you want and you visualize yourself having it, you're putting your thought energy into motion. And energy attracts more of the same.

The Law of Attraction simply acts on the thoughts you put forth. It doesn't decide between good or bad, positive or negative. It only gives you back results that are in alignment with your consistent streams of thoughts. It only makes sense to focus exclusively on what you want - not on your worries, doubts and fears.

You Choose What To Focus On

Focus your thoughts in the direction you want your life to go. If you doubt you'll reach your goal, you're thinking is all wrong because the Law of Attraction takes you in the direction of your dominant thoughts.

But let's face it, change doesn't often happen overnight. After all everything you've lived up to this point is a reflection of your internal programming. To shift gears and begin to live the life you want and deserve, you need to overwrite the negatives that lie buried within.

Visualization Is A Viable Goal Enhancer

Imagine yourself reaching a particular goal or living the life you want. That's where you need to focus more of your thinking.

Right now you're at the start of the journey. Your goal is at the finish line. Now cast a mental image of yourself enjoying your goal already accomplished. See it. Feel it. Experience it. Visualization is the spark that can bring any dream to life. Savor every moment of the experience and revisit the image often. Accept the goal as your reality.

Refuse to let others knock you of the path. Avoid negative thinkers and complainers because they can't help you. Instead, guard your thoughts and maintain a healthy and expectant spirit.

You must be determined to change your life and get the results you want and the clearer your mental picture and the more often you repeat it, the stronger it becomes. That's how the Law of Attraction works and it's always functioning in our lives. So you might as well make it serve you in the most positive way.

Next, be sure to visit: for lots of free helpful advice about visualization, mind power, the law of attraction and MORE!